I think I went alright. I am eating a mcflurry, my reward for doing the exam. TAKE THAT! The judge person was nice, I hope I did okay!!!!
I am making a pillow for technology, hope it will turn out okay. It will be small than the average pillow, rec tangular and say in blocky-sketch letters L O V E with a little heart on the back (AWW cute). Its simple, and I need simple!!!!
So school tomorrow, 3 weeks left (how boring). Eugh I hate maths, geography, art, and textiles when u can't get anything done, and sometimes science. YUK! So it'll be a long week. Lets see, I'll compile my weeks worth of stuf:
- 6 periods of maths
- 6 periods of science
- 4 of geography
- 4 of art (yea I stupidly did art for elective NEVER AGAIN)
- 6 of textiles (its just boring)
- 2 of P.E