Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ballet Exam and McFlurries

Hey! Just finished ballet exam PHEWS!!! Wearing Pirate Pants. So comfortable.

I think I went alright. I am eating a mcflurry, my reward for doing the exam. TAKE THAT! The judge person was nice, I hope I did okay!!!!

I am making a pillow for technology, hope it will turn out okay. It will be small than the average pillow, rec tangular and say in blocky-sketch letters L O V E with a little heart on the back (AWW cute). Its simple, and I need simple!!!!

So school tomorrow, 3 weeks left (how boring). Eugh I hate maths, geography, art, and textiles when u can't get anything done, and sometimes science. YUK! So it'll be a long week. Lets see, I'll compile my weeks worth of stuf:
  • 6 periods of maths
  • 6 periods of science
  • 4 of geography
  • 4 of art (yea I stupidly did art for elective NEVER AGAIN)
  • 6 of textiles (its just boring)
  • 2 of P.E
28 periods of bad stuff. 28 x 40 is....*gets calculator* is 1,120 minutes of torture minus 3 minutes every lesson from getting there....*calculates* 1070 minutes of torture this week. Minus Tuesday, so thats 830 minutes. For next week, Thursday will probably be off, so 1070 minus Thursday is 950. The week after is Friday off, so thats 870 for the week after. So all together, its 830 + 950 + 870 = 2, 650 minutes of torture for next week. Yes, that is how I spend my weekends, trying to work out how to minimise torture. Thats just the kind of girl I am!

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